The MOT Charter High School is located in Middletown, Delaware. The arts and sciences school design is on the leading edge of a new concept popping up across the United States.

It was no small accomplishment to coordinate and orchestrate the construction a 78,000 s.f. state-of-the-art facility in nine months. Planning and preparation were critical to GGA’s success along with quick, effective, and efficient decision making by field personnel. Using BIM modeling, GGA’s staff was able to look quickly at intricate details and designs in the field and help the contractors coordinate their specific trades.

The architect specified a new type of exterior wall/insulation product manufactured by Syntheon. MOT Charter High School was the first project in Delaware to use these specific premanufactured metal/insulated panels.

The MOT Charter High School is designed to stay ahead of the curve for years. GGA’s ability to meet the completion date and come in under the GMP allows this facility to help educate students now and for generations to come.